Monday, May 28, 2012



Sometimes, I find myself given a situation which tears my heart apart as it pushes me to question my own morale. Today I was blessed with a present but given my current circumstances I cannot enjoy this gift for too long. I will have to make the tough decision of parting with you, my babe. I understand the controversy over such a delicate matter but I cannot possibly bring you into a world in which I cannot give the very best to you. As heart wrenching as it is for me, I must go through with it. I was careless and I am no more intelligent than you. Babe, I know you'll forgive me for not carrying through with my responsibility.

For the next week, I will cherish this special experience and love my body as much as I can. I know you are listening and you can understand what it means for me to leave you babe. Just know you'll always be my first. It has only been a few weeks but I already feel attached to you. I can sense your presence from within and how precious you are to me. It is an unfortunate event. Some may judge me for it but I do hope, babe, that you understand me.

Always and forever,


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