I was never sure of how to interpret this day.
I can state that my hatred for Valentine’s day is strong because it is commercialized and it points out those who are not in relationships. While I still believe in this, I’m going to approach this subject without bitterness because I realize that it’s actually a rare and precious day.
Strip away the sugar coated candy hearts, the red roses and the cards covered with bright red cartoon hearts. When you strip away the marketing aspect of Valentine’s Day you are left with couples—lovers—who proudly hold hands and shower each other with small kisses. I cannot say that this is something I enjoy watching, don’t get me wrong. In fact, I find public displays of affection incredibly uncomfortable and strange. But look at the number of smiles on people’s faces compared to an ordinary day. Admire the amount of love and appreciation we, as humans, are capable of. It’s overwhelming actually.
And then, there are those who are still single. Being one of them myself, I can tell you that the bitterness that one feels is understandable. You question what the fuck (pardon my French) is wrong with you and criticize the couples who walk past you. You wear a constant scowl on your face while you let the day pass. But let’s look at this differently: Valentine’s Day is about love but the term love covers many different emotions that stem from divine love—pure love. So if we forget the commercialized crap that the media shoves down our throat, and focus on celebrating love we have for people, does Valentine’s Day not become a valid “holiday” to celebrate? Who limited this day to romantic love? We are so caught up with “being in love” and imagining the “perfect” partner we forget the amount of love we are capable of feeling.
So let’s say cheers to love. Love is complicated because it is the emotion that can make you feel happy, euphoric, giddy and courageous; it can make you feel lonely, pathetic, jealous and depressed. And despite all of this confusion, it is so pure and so simple.
So whether you are taken,
or floating on a cloud,
Happy Valentine’s Day!
(disclaimer: this post isn’t proof that i’m a super optimist. i’m just a single 20 year old trying to survive this day.)